Forest Service Turunen Ltd. / Metsäpalvelu Turunen Oy

We offer management of the entire forest property for forest owners. Our services include solutions such as forest planning, assessments, and insurance appraisals. Our special felling services support critical infrastructure by ensuring electricity distribution and road network maintenance in forest areas. Further, we are open for domestic and international projects.

We are looking for partners for international trade of goods. Our role is to be a trade platform for import and export of sustainable development solutions and knowhow.

Do you have an idea or invention, and you are looking for credible industrial partner for commercialization? Please contact us. We have various experience of commercialization of innovations.


Turunen offers the best and the most various forest services in Nordics. You can read more detailed descriptions from below of this page. You can see our personnel from land and sky perspectives via 360 degree images.

International trade sawn timber

International trade

Turunen is a trade platform company for products and knowhow for sustainable development. We have experience of timber, electrics, mechanics, and eco-friendly well-being and hygiene products.
- Export
- Import

Forest services

Forest Services

– Property value assessment

– Forest management and planning

– Reforestation and planting

– Continuous-cover silviculture

– Thinning services:

– Young forest and seedling care

– Thinning before planting

– Pre-commercial thinning

– Tile border clearing

– Tree removal and trimming service

– Special felling projects for critical infrastructures such as electricity power lines, wind power, and traffic networks

– Nature reserve and trekking area management

– Timber trade

– Wood sales service

– Wood purchase service

Forestry management project service

Framework agreements for communities

Forest property, climate, and energy quality management and planning.

The Company

Forest Service Turunen has over 25 years of experience of sustainable forestry service development. The company is known as a brave, national key opinion leader, which employs seasonally up to 40 people. For forest owners we offer productive forestry management and all forest services. In addition to forestry, in Finland we have unique experience of safe implementation of special felling management. Further, we are specialized in forest site planning and management in the immediate presence of road traffic and electricity distribution. In addition to SOEs for electricity and sawmill industry, we have over 20 years of experience in heat energy supply chain management and development. As agile innovators and experts, we are open for projects world-wide.

Moreover, the company has a good network for international trade of goods for sustainable development. We have utilized our experience and knowhow for global supply chain building, and the company operates as a trade platform. We export and import wood-based and other high-end products and materials. Our aim is to support sustainable infrastructure development and we supply, for instance, replacement parts for electricity facilities. Furthermore, we supply Nordic eco-friendly solutions for hygiene, health, and well-being to increase the quality of life world-wide. The company cooperates actively with R&D organizations especially in air quality, energy, and environmental quality management. So far, we have had knowledge export projects from South America to Canada and from the Middle East to Far Asia. We are open for new challenges, so please share us your thoughts and let us have a chat.

Company Forest Service Turunen
Forest value sustainable development

Our value propositions

  • Exporting Nordic innovations and knowhow for sustainable development.
  • To support Nordic interior design and construction industries with new products and materials for sustainable development.
  • To increase jalostusastetta for Nordic products and raw materials.
  • Participation in global R&D cooperation for sustainable development.
  • Cooperation with development aid organizations in developing and fragile countries for better quality of life.
  • To support fluency, resilience, and readiness of critical infrastructure in Finland by strengthening road, electricity, and heat energy distribution and networks. Our aim is to ensure standby capacity of forest services, raw material production, and delivery, for service providers.
  • To provide a long-term service for municipals and communities in quality management of forestry, climate, and energy economy to increase cost efficiency. The service model respects nature values and includes profitable forestry management in all areas of partner communities.
  • To enable all forest services by one phone call for private customers.
  • We take care of work agreed with trust and over 25 years of experience.

Our ambitious vision for five years

Forest Service Turunen operates as a trade platform especially in the Middle East and development countries. Export lies in Nordic forestry knowhow, wood-based products, critical infrastructure components, solutions for carbon sequestration and renewable energy. Further, there are various selections of eco-friendly well-being and hygiene products in Nordics for higher quality of life waiting for distribution. Moreover, the company has successful trade initiatives in developed countries such as Japan. The company is a leading Nordic importer of Paulownia wood. New products and opportunities with digital platforms will be tested and utilized for import. In addition, the company is supporting interdisciplinary research and development cooperation to find new innovations. 

Forest Service Turunen has the best forest services in Finland. Domestic key customers are municipals, communities, critical infrastructures, and private forest owners. Our forestry services respect both, nature values and commercial productivity. In addition to wood production areas, we do maintenance of nature parks and conservation reserves in Finland. 

Moreover, we support critical infrastructure in safe implementation and management of special felling operations. We are the best partner in electricity, wind power, and road network forest felling operations in Finland. Furthermore, in addition to wood removal, we aim to develop our services more comprehensive by integrating plot marking, road planning, and even constructions, to our services. For private forest owners we have the most versatile forestry services in Eastern Finland, and for bigger forest tile owners even outside Finland together with our network. 

Our open-minded team has great diversity with strong learning-by-doing attitude. This means all the questions should be asked and actually – there are only good questions. Moreover, our high customer satisfaction rises from personnel happiness, and helpfulness. It can be stated, that Forest Service Turunen is simply the best choice to a partner – welcome to a journey together with us!

Vision renewable energy
Toimitusjohtaja Tuomo Turunen

Tuomo Turunen


+358 500278828

Metsäasiantuntija Jari Lipponen

Jari Lipponen

Forestry Manager
Kansainvälinen kauppa Pauli Turunen

Pauli Turunen


+358 503524500

Metsäasiantuntija Mika Hiltunen

Mika Hiltunen

Forestry Ambassador

 +358 505561760


International trade sawn timber

International trade platform

We have supplied critical infrastructures also outside Finland by exporting replacement technology to the Middle East since 2020. We have state-owned and private customers in the Middle East with various needs. For instance, we have exported well-being and other eco-friendly products for local wholesales and sawn timber for construction and furniture companies

Keisaripuu Paulownia maahantuonti

Paulownia Finland

We import Paulownia, in Finnish Keisaripuu, to Nordics. We import various wood species from Europe and Asia for enriching Nordic offering. We are looking forward of importing various products for sustainable development.

Fingrid Oy Elenia Oy Erikoishakkuu

Special felling service for Fingrid Oy and Elenia Oy

Continuous special felling services for domestic state-owned electricity critical infrastructures such as Fingrid and Elenia Oy since 2008. In total quantity several hundreds of thousands of cubic meters in wood all over Finland.

Energiapuu ostopalvelu Enon ja Kontio-Energia Osuuskunta

Supply chain management for heat-energy Cooperatives of Enon Energia & Kontio-Energia

We have been responsible of raw material purchase and delivery for Enon Energia and Kontio-Energia heat-energy cooperatives since 2005.

PKS Oy Pohjois-Karjalan Sähkö metsäpalvelu

Forest service for PKS Oy

Since 1996 standby capacity, forest services and electricity network power line maintenance in North Karelia forest areas for a local state-owned enterprise PKS Oy.

Kitee metsäomaisuuden hoito

Forest management for the City of Kitee

We do all management and planning for the forest property of the city. We invite tenders and take care of all the work.

Metsähallitus suojelualueen hoitotyö

Nature reserve care for Metsähallitus

Metsähallitus is a state-owned enterprise that sustainably use, manage, and protect state-owned land and water areas. We took care of nature reserve and trekking area management in Northern Finland at a Karttimo river for nature services of Metsähallitus.